Nurturing Whiskers: Exploring the Impact of Psychosocial Weaning on Your Feline Friend’s Future Happiness

How Psychosocial Weaning Impacts Kittens' Future

When we talk about weaning, we inevitably think of the food aspect. However, we often forget the psychosocial weaning, while this one determines the kitten’s future. Let’s see closer below. Food weaning of a kitten In mammals, food weaning corresponds to the progressive passage from a milky diet to a solid diet. It takes place … Read more

How Psychosocial Weaning Impacts Kittens’ Future

How Psychosocial Weaning Impacts Kittens' Future

How Psychosocial Weaning Impacts Kittens’ Future When we talk about weaning, we inevitably think of the food aspect. However, we often forget the psychosocial weaning, while this one determines the kitten’s future. Let’s see closer below. Food weaning of a kitten In mammals, food weaning corresponds to the progressive passage from a milky diet to … Read more